Robert Lee received his MEng in Computer Systems and Software Engineering from the University of York in July 2013. In September 2013 he joined the first cohort of the ISG’s Centre for Doctoral Training in Cyber Security. After completing the taught component of the CDT program he joined the Smart Card Centre under the supervision of Professor Konstantinos Markantonakis. His research interests include: binding hardware and software together, secure application execution and physically unclonable functions. He likes running, double spaces between sentences and Vim and he doesn’t add a line break before an opening curly bracket.
Research description
My research is concerned with hardware-assisted security – tackling security problems using hardware solutions. I have researched securely binding hardware and software together to create a mutual dependency where a piece of software will execute only the hardware it has been bound to and a piece of hardware will only execute software personalised for it. Recently, I have been expanding my proposed scheme for binding hardware and software to create a solution that is practical and deployable in the real world as well as being secure in the theoretical world.
Room: McCrea 247 – Tel: 01784 276142
E-mail: Robert.Lee.2013@live.rhul.ac.uk