Hafizah Mansor received her Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia. She then worked at Malaysia Microelectronic Solutions, an IC design company that design smart card chips. Later she furthered her studies and received her MSc. Computer Science (Real Time Software Engineering) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She has been awarded her PhD in the Smart Card Centre under the supervision of Professor Konstantinos Markantonakis. Her research interests include smart card security and cryptography.
E-mail: Hafizah.Mansor.2011@live.rhul.ac.uk
Hafizah describes her research:
In this research, we analyse the security and privacy aspects of automotive systems in connected cars. The analysis is performed through selected vehicular applications; the vehicular firmware update, forensics and maintenance logging systems. Our proposed protocols are analysed using automated formal analysis tools, i.e. CasperFDR and Scyther, and implemented to prove feasibility and determine performance.