Professor Konstantinos Markantonakis M.Sc., Ph.D., MBA (London) became the Director of the Smart Card Centre in January 2016. He received his BSc (Hons) in Computer Science from Lancaster University in 1995, his MSc in Information Security in 1996, his PhD in Smart card Security in 2000 and his MBA in International Management in 2005 from Royal Holloway, University of London. He is currently a Professor of Information Security in the Information Security Group in Royal Holloway University of London. His main research interests include smart card security and applications, secure cryptographic protocol design, key management, embedded system security and trusted execution environments, mobile phone operating systems/platform security, NFC/RFID/HCE security, grouping proofs, electronic voting protocols. He has published more than 140 papers in international conferences and journals. Since completing his PhD, he has worked as an independent consultant in a number of information security and smart card related projects. He has worked as multi-application smart card manager in VISA International EU and as a Senior Information Security Consultant for Steer Davies Gleave. He is a member of the IFIP Working Group 8.8 on Smart Cards. Since June 2014, he is vice chair of IFIP WG 11.2 Pervasive Systems Security . He continues to act as a consultant on a variety of topics including smart card security, key management, information security protocols, mobile devices, smart card migration program planning/project management for financial institutions, transport operators and technology integrators.
Room: 158 Founders West – Tel: 01784 414409
E-mail: K.Markantonakis@rhul.ac.uk